09:35:08 From Matt Downing, MSCWMO : I am on care duty for a surgery recovery patient so if I may need to run in and out. 09:35:33 From Matt Downing, MSCWMO : (if)* 09:47:05 From Maureen Hoffman : we'll take some apple goods off your hands Matt! 09:50:08 From Matt Downing, MSCWMO : That could be arranged! Also have 42 jars of pickles, 12 jars of spaghetti sauce, 12 jars of crabapple jam, 15 jars of raspberry jam, and all sorts of frozen goods (plant and animal) 09:50:52 From Matt Downing, MSCWMO : Whoop whoop SRWMO! 10:00:57 From Tiffany Determan : Wow Angie, you pulled off an awesome spontaneous summary of the last 2 years! 10:01:48 From Mike Isensee : Agreed! Thank you Angie for the succinct summary! 10:04:20 From Tiffany Determan : all of the comments are on the LSC website if you want to see them 10:07:00 From Craig Mell : Jay Riggs, Matt Moore and Washington County Commissioner Fran Miron are tentatively planning on attending the BWSR Central Region Committee meeting on behalf of the LSC 1W1{ group. 10:13:29 From Mike Isensee : Here is the link to the Lower St. Croix 1W1P: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b0dadc59772aeb1df30d0d8/t/5f231f34d5ded339e3941c34/1596137293577/Final+Draft+Lower+St+Croix+Comp+Plan+July+28+2020.pdf 10:15:30 From Karen Kill, BCWD : Question: What level of detail is required for the WBIF plan? For example, can we go with the 1W1P language of ag BMP cost-share for a large chunk or do we need more specifics on what projects specifically? 10:24:14 From Karen Kill, BCWD : How does this apply to shared positions? Specifically what are requirements for "outcomes"? 10:27:24 From Karen Kill, BCWD : Remind me...what is the required match for WBIF? 10:28:15 From Barb Peichel, BWSR : 10% match for WBIF. 10:42:47 From Darrick.Wotachek : Jamie, can you summarize what you just said again for what this means for IC moving forward for County Water Plan? 10:49:59 From Angela Hong : https://pollunit.com/polls/p8icbniivcilmxutlvz6jg 10:51:13 From Twyla Hill - District Technician - Pine SWCD : Our Pine SWCD board is in support of the plan. 10:54:59 From Karen Kill, BCWD : What does it mean that the shared ag position might already be funded? Is this a go? 10:57:39 From Angela Hong : I'm guessing maybe I have a bad internet connection temporarily 10:58:59 From Angela Hong : Craig - when we are asking for $250K from WBIF for ag outreach, it would be to hire or contract with a second person in addition to Mary Jo, correct? 11:01:21 From Craig Mell : we are not looking to add a second person, just maintain Mary Jo 11:01:52 From Maureen Hoffman : I think dash means that they haven't voted 11:04:27 From Emily Heinz, CLFLWD : If we're counting these as votes, and not just general input for discussion, go ahead and discount my vote and refer to Mike's response instead. 11:05:12 From Jay Riggs : Thanks Emily. You could delete your votes so we have totals from the form. 11:05:51 From Emily Heinz, CLFLWD : Done 11:06:23 From Craig Mell to Angela Hong(Privately) : can you refresh your data - Emily zeroed out 11:06:58 From Michael Kinney : Will the subwatershed analysis include any diagnostic monitoring as discussed during the plan development? 11:07:29 From Jay Riggs : Yes as long as it is a BWSR eligible activity. SWA is a placeholder term for prioritization. 11:08:42 From Barb Peichel, BWSR : WBIF is ~3 years of funding. 2021-Dec 2023 11:09:55 From Michael Kinney : BWSR - Any response to this ongoing SWA discussion? Will BWSR only fund desktop SWA's and not any diagnostic monitoring to support Targeting? 11:11:47 From Jamie Schurbon : I would advocate for using this allocation of WBIF for funding the ag position through 2023 because it is a high priority and future funding always has some uncertainty. Staff positions are hard to start and stop. 11:15:07 From Barb Peichel, BWSR : Sorry I had to step away - Policy is pretty open - see page 3 - https://bwsr.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/2019-10/190925_Final%20Watershed%20Based%20Funding%20Policy.pdf 11:18:07 From Twyla Hill - District Technician - Pine SWCD : I agree the ag position is important to maintain its funding. 11:18:17 From Matt Downing, MSCWMO : Please do have that conversation regarding monitoring. 11:19:28 From Darrick.Wotachek : I agree with Jamie, North Branch Township/Oxford Township could benefit from the Shared Ag. Position/outreach and that was a targeted upper watershed priority focus area from what I remember. 11:20:43 From Darrick.Wotachek : Was there a SWA done for the North Branch of the Sunrise or City of North Branch? Craig Mell can you answer that? 11:21:05 From Matt Downing, MSCWMO : Pick me pick me! 11:21:12 From Craig Mell : No it has not been completed 11:22:28 From Darrick.Wotachek : Thanks for clarification Jay. 11:23:42 From Caleb Anderson : Pine would appreciate that proposal for point people completing SWAs. 11:28:26 From Michael Kinney : The Shared Ag. Position discussed with the Policy Committee was supposed to have been an agronomist who can speak to the detailed economics of both cropping systems and the changes needed on an individual farm basis. From the most recent spreadsheet, it seems that this has now shifted to a conservation staff person which would bring a very different focus on just bmps and thus ignore the value of this other work. A further explanation would be appreciated. Also, given the cost-benefit analysis of gully repairs, enhanced street sweeping and other identified efforts/BMPs, these seem like they should be a prioritization. 11:30:34 From Jamie Schurbon : In the voting tool, the "-" entries are no votes and not counted as "0" in the mean calculation. If the "-" is converted to "0" then the easement item (3rd from end) is lowest with mean rank of 45. 11:34:39 From Barb Peichel, BWSR : Might be helpful for "new" folks if you talked through each of the items too and how they connect with overall goals 11:35:29 From Darrick.Wotachek : 5th-9th is relatively open for me. Darrick 11:37:20 From Matt Downing, MSCWMO : Hit refresh on that page if you hadn't 11:38:03 From Barb Peichel, BWSR : cool tool:) 11:38:11 From Barb Peichel, BWSR : Good conversation all!